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IBS awareness, diet, and your health, and a little bit of politics

Writer's picture: DoraDora

As some of you know, I got belly issues. More specifically, IBS, which is not specific at all, is more like a catch-all phrase for many issues that are hard to control or specify with western medicine. About 10 years ago, my IBS got so bad that it developed into a major inflammatory condition that landed me in the ER. After many visits to many different gastroenterologists, I was stunned to find that no one talked about diet. With respect to the exception, if a gastroenterologist is reading this and is well-versed in nutrition and advises patients on making lifestyle changes before recommending the steroid-based drugs.

I know I am not alone in my experience. Open any low-carbohydrate, paleolithic cookbooks and 90% of them start the introductory chapter about how they found a way to manage IBS and other autoimmune gastrointestinal issues with diet lifestyle choices. There are very few hours dedicated to nutrition in medical school. Now I am not anti-science. As you guys know, I worked in scientific research, and I love what we can do in surgery, fighting cancer, vaccinations, and so forth. There is a boatload of good that Western Medicine has to offer. Where it fails horribly is preventable diseases. It is almost as if it would be taboo to mention giving up McDonald's. We should not have to spend billions of dollars caring for diseases that are totally preventable with a healthy diet. We should spend at least half of that money on free nutritional education and providing discounted nutritional food choices for those who cannot afford otherwise. But I spare you from my political speech concerning our medical industry.

Let me get back to my original story, belly problems, more specifically, my belly problems. After my initial visit to the ER 10 years ago, which followed "dating around" gastroenterology departments, I decided to turn my back on the doctors and choose a different way. Now I do not recommend this for everyone. Yes, there is time and space for surgery and steroids when it comes to autoimmune diseases for the gut. Maybe my case is just a fluke, but heck, after much research and joy,I discovered a different way to eat and enjoy food. I was symptom-free for years.

Then came Covid, and stress, and I did what everybody else did; little snack here, a glass of wine at night… oh you get it! I know most of us have been doing the same since I see that most of us put on 10 pounds. Sorry to be so blunt, but it is no secret. Most of us got a little more out of shape. We all put on weight during these stressful months. This is doubly ironic since obesity is the number one comorbidity that makes Covid so much more deadly. But I keep you from that pet peeve of mine. Why in the world with vaccine education, masks, and so forth, our government cannot talk about nutrition and reducing obesity… oh yes, because there is too much money and addiction behind the food industry that is killing the public. Yes, there is positive body image and acceptance of different body types, but there is also health and boundaries to positive body image; at a certain point accepting unhealthy sizes and weights hurts rather than helps the public. Oh shuck, I guess I could not keep my mouth shut.

Oh my goodness, I really need to stick to my story. OK, back to my belly issues. So I did a little snacking here, wine there. Why not? My belly has been under control, a little here, a little there. Moderation is good. How often do you hear that it is OK? As long as you do it in moderation, it is OK! I got news for you.

Moderation is NOT OK for those of us with IBS

A little of this, a little of that over a few months, put me in the ER again.

If you have friends or family members that tell you they are food sensitive, please take them seriously, don't give them the lecture on moderation. We don't have an eating disorder; I know that much of Keto and Paleo diet has made it in the mainstream, and now folks do it out of a fad or to lose weight. It is easy for an outsider to assume that those of us with paleo choices are on a "fad-lose-weight-diet." But most of us who are committed to this lifestyle do it because we feel better. We feel better, and it keeps our medical problems away. We would never preach moderation to someone who is allergic to shellfish. We would not do it because even one bite of that food would be deadly. With IBS, it is the cumulative little this, little that has very serious medical consequences. Yes, this was my educational minute on how to support folks with IBS.

Clearly, I needed to get back to my clean eating lifestyle to save my health. Heidi, a teacher at Spira, a licensed nutritional educator, and I are passionate about our low-carbohydrate lifestyle. We both benefited physically and emotionally from changing how we cook and enjoy our food.

Now you may not have IBS. But I am willing to bet that you would not mind having more energy. Maybe you got used to being a little bloated, constipated, brain fogged, tired, and so forth. Or maybe you feel that after 18 months of Covid habits, it is time to reboot.

If you wish to learn more about how you can enjoy life and food, join us for our 21 Days Reboot / Detox journey. We will hold three sessions where we explain the science and metabolism behind nutrition. We will give you the knowledge and the tools for lasting success. Maybe after 21 days, you will keep going and change your lifestyle so you can enjoy more vitality, energy, and health, without bloating and fatigue!

NO, you do not have to give up coffee and tea!

Yes, you will give up sugar, legumes, alcohol, and grains for 21 days. After 21 days, we will teach you how to re-integrate in moderation those foods that you can process without bloating, headaches, and fatigue.

Learn more and join Heidi and Dora – click here to register for 21 Days Reboot/Detox


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