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May 27, 20203 min read
We will be back to normal hugging and loving, while at it here are 5 ways to stay healthy
Share your emotions, talk to someone. Make a hugging list for the future, in the meantime, make sure to talk and share your feelings.
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Apr 26, 20204 min read
Get Inspired, fitness and nutrition for life
So how does a 44-year-old woman who dislikes yoga and diets end up dedicating a life, with 12-hour workdays to these subjects?
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Nov 30, 20174 min read
Mindful inspirations for healthy habits in the new year
This short blog will target three topics. Three topics that are important as we head into the new year and everyone gets the usual post...
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Feb 8, 20172 min read
This One is For You Lady Gaga…
This one for you Lady Gaga… Here is my skin folding over on my belly! #iamproudofmybody I am sharing this post because I feel that I...
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Jan 5, 20165 min read
Resolution Revolution
Desiree Wood This blog has been written by Desiree Wood Des is a Nurse Practitioner in Critical Care at the VA, Anatomy specialist for...
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