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Jul 28, 20207 min read
Apple to take 30% cut from struggling businesses during pandemic
Unfortunate consequence of Apple's 30% rule is the added burden for small business during the pandemic
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May 28, 20203 min read
COVID is dangerous, but what about our reactions? Censorship, Constitutional Rights and Fear
Yes, these intentions and reactions are coming from the right intentions.
The problem with giving into censorship though, is that we are....
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May 27, 20203 min read
We will be back to normal hugging and loving, while at it here are 5 ways to stay healthy
Share your emotions, talk to someone. Make a hugging list for the future, in the meantime, make sure to talk and share your feelings.
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Apr 9, 20204 min read
Toilet paper as essential? – did you just make that sh…up?
So how did we get here? How in the world did all of America attack the local grocery stores like zombies in the hope of resurrection?
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Mar 4, 20205 min read
Coronavirus/ Proactive safety
We will wet mop with bleach after every class
We will alcohol wipe all door knobs every day
Please do NOT come to class if you are sick
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